Welcome to Mt. Carmel Community


Bee Mine


Bee Mine

Bee Mine

A BUZZword is defined as a word or phrase that becomes popular or is used a lot during a certain period of time. With the arrival of Valentine’s Day, the BUZZword “BEE MINE” perfectly describes our February calendar.

This month, we’ll turn our community into a BEEHIVE of heart-warming activity with a delightful blend of Valentine’s Day and BEEthemed games, crafts, and events. BEE-come better acquainted with your neighbors at our BEE-themed activities like HONEY Bingo and our Wednesday afternoon BEE Craft Classes. Compete for the Queen (or King) BEE title when we play a fun new game called BUZZword. Make a BEEline to the 100 Hall Activity Room to team up with the Honey BEE’s or the BUMBLERS for BEE-ch Ball Volleyball, swat BEE balloons at BEE-loon Tennis, and take part in our HONEYCOMB Darts and Beanbag Toss games. You’ll experience a BUZZ of excitement as we work to solve BEE-related, BEE My Valentine, and the Queen BEE’s Royal Expressions Wheel of Fortune word puzzles. Take a moment to consider how much our community resembles a BEEHIVE. Every BEE in the HIVE is hardwired to be good at doing certain things, and everyone in our community has something good to offer our Mt. Carmel family! You may be like the scout BEE, born for adventure and actively looking for ways to stay BUZZ-y. Perhaps you are like a queen BEE, always encouraging others to join in the activities of the HIVE. The characteristics of a soldier BEE who is gifted at looking after the needs of others might best describe you. Whatever your special gift may “BEE,” why not use it to bless those with whom you come in contact as we celebrate the sweet “BEE MINE!” month of February at Mt. Carmel Community!

BEE-Attitudes Morning Show

We encourage you to tune your TV to Channel 3 each day for the Mt. Carmel Morning Show, where we bring you a daily devotional and all the day’s news concerning our community. Each Wednesday in February, we will have a special devotional from Matthew 5:3-12 on the Beatitudes that Jesus taught us when He preached the Sermon on the Mount. Learn about the values, ethics, and morals that we are called to live by so the Kingdom of Heaven is visible to others here on Earth. You’ll be blessed by God’s Word as you join us for a few minutes and start your day in a powerful way!

Beekeeper Presentation

Please BEE our guest on Friday, February 16, as local beekeeper Mindy Goodman shares her passion for beekeeping and the health benefits of consuming local honey with our community. Come see what all the buzz is about and enjoy a taste of honey from her hives!

BEE My Valentine

We’ve planned a delightful “Bee My Valentine” Celebration as a way to express our love for our Mt. Carmel family this February 14! Feel free to dress up or come as you are; just be sure to come join us on Valentine’s Day at 1:30 in the Main Dining Room. We could think of no sweeter way to celebrate the occasion than with Strawberry Shortcake and Sparkling Cider! We’ll listen to our favorite love songs while we eat and enjoy each other’s company. Hope to see you there!

Got Cabin Fever?

You are invited to come along on a variety of February Outings that will satisfy your shopping needs and food cravings! We will shop at Walmart on the 2nd and Target on February 16. Our two lunch trips include Colton’s Steak House on February 9 and Buffet City, for all-you-can-eat, on the 23rd. All of these scheduled outings take place on Friday mornings. Be sure to sign up at the front desk to reserve your seat on the bus, then meet us in the lobby at the time indicated on the enclosed calendar. Let’s get out and about together this month!

Benton Birthdays


February 2 | Grace Stout
February 2 | Wanda Shaw
February 3 | Jimmie Jones
February 9 | Martha Hobby
February 12 | C.H. Harris
February 13 | Bonnie Magana
February 16 | Betty Squires
February 21 | Jean Corley


February 2 | Melett Fox
February 11 | Damon Clay
February 23 | Lakesha Canada

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